16 April 2024
Rishi Sunak’s Visit to Woking Community Hospital
The UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, was presented with Floyd Slaski Architects Ltd's designs for the new Woking Community Hospital Diagnostic Centre (CDC) last week.
As one of the 40 new CDCs across the country, an initiative for early diagnosis set by the government, the project involves a new relocatable MRI mobile suite and CT Scanner, 3 Ultrasounds, new diagnostic services for cardiac, respiratory and sleep study, a DEXA room and a new Audiology booth.
With the increasing request for in-patient admissions, Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is in demand to decant more out-patient services to the Woking Community Hospital. This new hub will allow Woking’s citizens to access these services within their borough reducing the travelling distance and the stress of having to go outside the borough for simple medical tests or diagnosis.
The new Diagnostic Centre will provide provision for the mammography itinerary trailer to dock into the new building and allow patients to wait in the imaging waiting room before going into the trailer. This will improve the dignity and privacy of the patients which currently have to wait in the car park and access the trailer without any screening.
Read more : All the photos from Rishi Sunak's visit to Woking Community Hospital
(Images taken from Woking News and Mail 2024)