29 December 2019
Harefield Hospital Transformed
This project involved a number of challenges including building next to and on top of a locally listed building, breaking into and extending the ITU, protecting mature trees on the site and ensuring the Hospital continued to function uninterrupted throughout it all.
The Royal Brompton and NHS Foundation Trust Director of planning and strategy, Piers McCleery, who led the redevelopment programme, said: "These improvements will all contribute to the gold standard of care our teams provide, and to giving patients the best possible experience."
New Build ITU expansion and CT and MRI Suite
The new building provides three clear use zones, all of which relate both functionality and accessibly to the others. These are:
1. A single storey unit that expands the existing ITU department comprising six enclosed intensive care bed spaces with additional nursing facilities.
2. An MRI/CT Suite providing state of the art imaging services to both inpatients and outpatients. The suite has waiting and changing areas, procedure rooms and an image reporting base.
3. A staff facilities area providing larger changing rooms, WCs and showers for staff. The staff common room is designed as a break area and the work room adjacent can be used for staff training and seminars. A large lobby provides space for staff to enter the building from the east and for some ITU patients to be taken outside for solar therapy.
The ITU expansion links directly to the existing ITU department and is also accessible from the new imaging centre.
Private Patient Ward and HDU Facility
Work has completed at Harefield Hospital on a project on the second floor of the main curved east wing to provide a 20 bed private patient ward. The ward comprises 16 single bedded rooms with ensuite facilities, an associated 4 bedded HDU, nursing facilities, ward kitchen, visitor waiting, staff changing and recreational areas and administrative offices. The works included building upon the existing balcony space that runs along the southern side of the wing. A full length corridor to the north of the bedrooms provides full access to all parts of the ward and links to three staircases and a central bed lift. Along the corridor and to the north are a series of pods each housing different facilities. These are (from the west):
POD A: Ward Kitchen, satellite dirty utility, satellite clean utility, kitchen staff changing and cleaner’s room.
POD B: Main entrance, bed lift, waiting, visitors wcs, server room.
POD C: Clean utility, dirty utility, cleaner’s room, storage, bulk waste, dirty linen, clean linen and staff wcs.
POD D: High dependency unit including 4 no. single bed bays, clean utility, dirty utility and wc/shower room.
POD E: Staff changing and staff rest room.
The Private Outpatients works covered remodelling to the ground floor of the existing pod adjacent to the heart transplant ward in the eastern “gull wing” and construction of a simple pavilion in the courtyard.
The new facility provides three consulting rooms and a phlebotomy room within the existing remodelled pod and a reception area with patient waiting and a DDA compliant WC within the new pavilion in the courtyard.