David Whitestone



David Whitestone joined Floyd Slaski Architects in 1986 and became a partner in 1990. He has extensive and hands-on experience in a wide range of building types, all of which have involved careful consultation to ensure designs both meet our client's aspirations and provide technically and functionally efficient solutions.

David has specific expertise in the healthcare, residential and laboratory sectors. Healthcare work has involved both public and private facilities, providing a full range of clinical, diagnostic and treatment facilities. Residential projects have included public housing, housing association and residential regeneration schemes, sheltered apartments and key worker accommodation. University and hospital laboratory projects have provided academic and medically-related facilities for innovative research and the latest analytical techniques in pathology, microbiology and biochemistry. David also has a wide experience of listed buildings and their sensitive conversion to new residential and medical uses.

David is a member of the Clapham Society Planning Sub-Committee and when he gets a chance is currently busy building an eco-friendly timber framed family home, resembling a French tobacco barn, in the Lot et Garonne.